Neon Nights û Neon Lights: Five different fountains. Each starts with red and green glitter with chrysanthemums and gold wheat heads; then to red, or green, or blue, or purple, or yellow stars.
18-inch Sparkler Five effects: gold sparks; red head with gold sparks; green head with gold sparks; blue head with gold sparks; purple head with gold sparks
A total fireworks show in one package! With Brothers Container Load, you get the best of the best. 30 pieces are in this giant assortment: 3 artillery shell kits, 3 packs of roman candles, 1 pack of...
A middle of the night fire of z-shaped multi-colored stars and crackling comet tails to shots of red tails to red palms and crackling, then multi-colored stars and silver whistling tails to three...
Super processing power - red, green, blue and purple stars with silver glitter, chrysanthemum mines to red tail to red and silver glitter, to green tail to purple and green glitter, blue tail to blue...